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Elixir basics presentation materials from AIC 2017


Elixir basics presentation materials from Asynchrony-Internal-Conference (AIC) 2017

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You can view the presentation in your browser now on GitHub Pages /presentation/index.html.

Created for AIC 2017 Internal Conference by WWT Asynchrony Labs.

Static presentation materials found under /presentation folder using reveal.js to be web acessible. Presentation meterials are design to be presented so much of the content is in speaker notes or my head.

pick-the-icon example app

A simple sample website used in the presentation as an example of a site needing load testing as well as how different users (agents) operate on tasks without shared state.

“pick” by André Luiz Gollo from the Noun Project


The basic load testing built using Elixir as the basis for learning and this talk. Designed to be extensible and simple to model agent behaviors and create large quantities of agents for performance and load testing. Available as Hex library as well as used as a pre-built binary.

Check out the full repo and project on GitHub