Swimming in Elixir

Dip your toes into Elixir basics
with a walkthrough of a simple load testing tool

The Plan


First Looks

Pool Rules


The Kiddy Pool

Meet Whoppex


First Looks

Hello Elixir

2 + 2                               # 4

IO.puts "Oh, Hey!"                  # :ok, prints "Oh, Hey!"

events = [404, 500, :create, "dog"] # lists, dynamic typing
hd(events)                          # 404
tail(events)                        # [500, :create, "dog"

person = {:name, "Ben"}             # 2-tuple

def fib(0) do: 0                    # recursive fibonocci
def fib(1) do: 1                    # pattern matching
def fib(n) do                       # multiple fun definitions
  fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)

addTwo = fn a -> a + 2 end          # anon function, 1st class
addTwo(2)                          # 4
Enum.map([1, 2, 3], addTwo)         # [3, 4, 5]

Pids for all

iex(1)> pid = spawn fn -> IO.puts "I ... AM ... ALIVE!" end
I ... AM ... ALIVE!             # printed from other process
#PID<0.85.0>                    # process identifier
iex(2)> Process.alive?(pid)
false                           # sadly, our process is dead :(

iex(3)> echoer = fn ->           # define fun to receive msg
...(3)>   receive do             # blocking receive
...(3)>     name -> IO.puts "Hi #{name}!"
...(3)>   end
...(3)> end

iex(4)> pid2 = spawn echoer      # create process, return pid
iex(5)> Process.alive?(pid2)     # alive, waiting for our msg

iex(6)> send(pid2,"Bob")         # send async msg to other process
Hi Bob!                          # printed from other process
"Bob"                            # returned from send function

Room to Improve

foo(0, 0) ->
  boring;               % Line terminator #1
foo(X, Y) ->
  Y = math:add(X, Y),   % Now we have 2
  Z = Y rem 2,
  case Z of
    0 -> true;          % Three for the win!
    1 -> undefined      % FOUR? nothing is really something

this is Erlang

Who is Using It?

  • Phoenix - 2 million websockets
  • Discord - 1 million/min bursts msgs
  • Bleacher Report - from 150 server to 5!
  • Nerves - IoT - Run Elixir on a RaspberryPi
  • Pinterest? Facebook?
  • Erlang projects - RabbitMQ, ejabberd, CouchDB

Where Things Stand

  • Elixir 1.5 released 1 week ago
  • Active Community Almost 5k Hex Packages
  • ~5 years old get in on the ground floor!
  • Lots of learning resources
  • Dave Thomas thinks you should learn Elixir

Pool Rules

Foundations and Basics


What is the big deal?!


OK, that is a big deal...

But how does it do it?


but, why?

The Basics again

200 + 200                   # numbers
:dog                        # atoms (like symbols in Ruby)
name = "Ben"                # binary strings
'Spruce'                    # list of ascii numbers ;)
person = {:name, name}      # variable asigned a 2-tuple value

data = [1, 2, "dog"]        # singly linked list
[100 | data]                # [100, 1, 2, "dog"]         # cheap
data ++ data                # [1, 2, "dog", 1, 2, "dog"] # expensive

[id: 100, name: "Jane"]     # keywordlist = [{:id, 100}, {:name, "Jane"}]

map = %{:a => 1, 2 => :b}   # a map structure
map[:a]                     # returns 1

def print([]) do: :ok       # pattern matching on function
def print([head | tail) do  # pattern matching on value decomposition
  IO.puts head
end                         # tail call optimized recursion


defmodule GreeterServer do
  require Logger
  use GenServer

  def start_link(name) do  # API METHOD, CALLED BY SUPERVISION TREE
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, name, [])

  def init(my_name) do  # initialize and return initial state
    {:ok, my_name}

  # async, use handle_call for simulated synchronous messages
  def handle_cast(your_name, my_name) do
    log("Hi #{your_name}, my name is #{my_name}")
    {:noreply, my_name}

Kiddy Pool

Meet Whoppex

The Problem

Scaling is hard

A Sample App

See It In Action

Whoppex Overview

Time For a Quick Detour

I need your help

Stop checking Facebook and go to this URL



Please play around on the site for 60 seconds...

How could we load test this?


Lets put Whoppex to work!

Out of the pool!

Does everyone have pruney fingers?

Next Steps

Thank You!

